Subscribe Using iTunes

This may seem like a lot of steps, but you only have to do this once, and it's really very easy if you follow each step. 

1.  Make sure you have the latest version of iTunes installed on your computer.  It's a free download if you don't have it.  You can go to to download it if you need to.  Click on the "download" tab on the top menu bar and it will take you to the download page.  Don't enter your email address and be sure to uncheck the "email me" and "keep me up to date" boxes because nobody needs more shit in their email box.

2.  Once it's all installed, open up iTunes by double-clicking on the iTunes icon on your desktop.

3.  Once iTunes is open, you should see a menu going down the left-hand side that says "Library".  Under that you should see a link that says "Podcasts".  Click on podcasts.

4.  This will open up a new section of iTunes.  On the top menu bar (all the way at the top of the screen) of this new page, you will see a number of menu items, including one that says "Advanced".  Click on "advanced" and a menu will drop down.  Click on "Subscribe to Podcast".  This should be the 3rd option down in the menu.

5.  A small box will appear asking you for the URL of the podcast.  Type this in, exactly as I have it here:  and click "OK".

6.  You are now subscribed...but you will want to change a few settings so that iTunes will download all the shows.  On the bottom of the screen you'll see two buttons, one that says "Unsubscribe" (which you'll never need!) and one that says "Settings".  Click on "Settings".

7.  A box will open.  Click on the tab that says "Podcasts" at the top of the box.  Set "check for new episodes" to "Everyday".  Where it says "When new episodes are available", click on "Download all".  This will make sure that you get all the new episodes, even if you haven't checked iTunes in a few days.

8.  Lastly, where it says "Keep", you will want to check "All Episodes", because who wouldn't want all of them?

9.  Click ok.  At this point iTunes should start downloading the episodes for you.  Click on them to play, or just sync them to you iPod or mp3 player the way you usually do.

10.  That's it!  You only have to do this one time and it will always download new episodes, but only when you have iTunes open.  So, make sure you open iTunes frequently, or else you can just wait a few minutes when you do open it so that the new episodes can download.

11.  You can listen to them right from your computer using iTunes if you don't have an iPod or mp3 player.